Broaden peoples perceptions about the Indian Dog Breed - Pariah. Though the name suggests otherwise, Indian breeds are highly intelligent who have evolved and survived over the years.
With no proper means of food, strays struggle and often go hungry or get into accidents in search of food or shelter. So, to make their lives a little easier we provide food to them and tend the injured.
Animals are often subjected to unspeakable acts of cruelty on the streets by humans and this leaves a trauma on the minds of these lesser privileged beings. We want to provide a loving and nurturing home to these creatures where they can grow in a safe environment. After all, every being on this planet deserves a shelter.
4. In India, every year thousands of strays are dead because of no timely help. So to help these creatures Farishtey is soon starting an Ambulance 24/7 across Mumbai to give timely aid to creatures in vain.